Sorry for not posting in a while, life has been very hectic lately. The 2nd phase started 3 weeks ago however I couldnt make it to the FLGS due to my wife being super sick with the Flu and other issues that came up. I took this opportunity to fine tune my list and to get some more painting done. I opted to change out my list in favor of dropping out 1 squad of horrors and adding in a squad of fiends of slaanesh to give more anti-tank ability as well as giving me another fast unit to chase down those speedy opponents. So my 750 pts list looks like the following -
Total Roster Cost: 749
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch
1 Herald of Tzeentch, DGT: Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Chariot of Tzeentch
Elite: Bloodcrushers of Khorne
3 Bloodcrushers of Khorne, Instrument of Chaos
Elite: Bloodcrushers of Khorne
3 Bloodcrushers of Khorne
Elite: Fiends of Slaanesh
4 Fiends of Slaanesh
Troops: Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
8 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
1 The Changeling
Troops: Daemonettes of Slaanesh
9 Daemonettes of Slaanesh
I played my game against an Eldar shooty list that included both a fire prism, a small squad of Dark Reapers which I havent seen in a while, a striking scorpion squad, an Autruch, a squad of pathfinders, and 2 squads of dire avengers. I won first turn but opted to go second. My opponent setup his pathfinders away from his army in terrain (shocker) and moved his units up. His pathfinders were isolated, I dropped my horrors, my 2 blood crusher squads, and my herald around them and had the horrors open up on the pathfinders. My opponent thinking his 2+ save would save him didnt know what to say when I told him to make 18 saves. He lost 3 of the pathfinders making the squad pretty useless with just 2 guys remaining. My Herald took a shot at the fire prism and with luck on my hand, rolled 2 6's in a roll to destroy it!! I told my opponent that this was just a lucky shot as I had glanced it, he failed his cover save, and I rolled 2 sixs due to the halo fields. It didnt matter at this point as he was really discouraged and so the game was mine. His striking scorpions actually did some damage and took out one of my blood crusher squads and his squad of dark reapers were a bane to me as they kept putting wound upon wound on my units. We decided to call it on turn 5 as all he had left was his dark reapers and their was no way for him to come back as he was down 7 to 1 in kill points. The addition of the fiends really improved my list; having such a fast unit that hits as hard as they do really set my list apart. In the coming weeks, I might want to add the other squad of horrors to give me more shooting as my list has changed to a more close combat oriented list which might prove to be difficult to play once we get to the higher point values. Anti-tank is definitely a must for me as I mentioned in my earlier posts, I might go with minimum squads of horrors with bolt and another deamon prince with bolt to provide me with the anti-tank I will need.