Monday, May 20, 2013

Side army plans - or what armies to play in a meta full of Chaos

<p>Just like the title states, i'm in the process of finishing a couple of armies to play as the group of players I play with are in the majority playing chaos armies.&#160; And why not, both chaos codexes are great and allow players to play competitive and fun lists.&nbsp; The problem Im having is that I hate playing mirror matches all the time so its time to pull out another army or 2 to get some diversity in our group.  The 2 armies in question are below -

Army 1 = Grey Knights
The original army of cheese, these guys definitely took a hit in 6th edition.  They are still a great army though especially in the shooting department.  During the course of my 40K career, i actually acquired  around 27 grey knight models, 20 of the metal kaskarkin models, and an inquistor set with retinue.  I am planning on playing these guys allied with some sisters to build a fluffy inquistion force My plan also involved using one of my storm ravens for airil support.  The army list is as follows -

+++ Grey Knights/Sisters of Battle Inquisition List (1749pts) +++
+++ 1750pt Grey Knights 5th Edition, Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf) Roster (Primary Detachment, Allied Detachment)) +++


Grey Knights 5th Edition (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (100pts)

    * Inquisitor (100pts)
        * Inquisitor Coteaz (100pts)
            (I've Been Expecting You, Independent Character, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Spy Network, Stubborn)
            Bolt Pistol, Dark Excommunication, Frag, Krak and Psyk-out Grenades, Hammerhand, Master Crafted Nemesis Force Daemonhammer, Psyber Eagle, Sanctuary

+ Elites + (480pts)

    * Paladins (480pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        2x Nemesis Daemonhammer, 5x Nemesis Force Halberd, Nemesis Force Sword, 8x Paladins (440pts), 2x Psycannon (40pts), 6x Storm Bolter

+ Troops + (354pts)

    * Formosan Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (109pts)
        * Acolyte (11pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Storm Bolter (3pts)
        * Acolyte (11pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Storm Bolter (3pts)
        * Acolyte (11pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Storm Bolter (3pts)
        * Acolyte (11pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Storm Bolter (3pts)
        * Acolyte (11pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Storm Bolter (3pts)
        * Acolyte with Special Weapon (18pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Plasmagun (10pts)
        * Acolyte with Special Weapon (18pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Plasmagun (10pts)
        * Acolyte with Special Weapon (18pts)
            Carapace Armour (4pts), Chainsword, Plasmagun (10pts)

    * Grey Knight Strike Squad (245pts)
        (And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis)
        Hammerhand, 2x Psycannon (60pts), 3x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Halberd (75pts), 4x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Sword (80pts), Warp Quake
        * Justicar (30pts)
            Nemesis Force Daemonhammer (10pts), Storm Bolter

+ Fast Attack + (255pts)

    * Stormraven Gunship (255pts)
        (Assault Vehicle, Deep Strike, Power of the Machine Spirit, Psychic Pilot, Shadow Skies, The Aegis)
        Fortitude, Hurricane Bolters (30pts), Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), Twin Linked Assault Cannons, Twin Linked Multi Meltas

Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf) (Allied Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (115pts)

    * Canoness (115pts)
        Inferno Pistol (15pts), Power Sword (10pts), Rosarius (25pts)

+ Troops + (310pts)

    * Battle Sister Squad (175pts)
        9x Battle Sister (108pts), Flamer (5pts), Flamer (5pts)
        * Rhino (40pts)
            Dozer Blade (5pts)
        * Sister Superior (17pts)
            Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

    * Battle Sister Squad (135pts)
        9x Battle Sister (108pts), Flamer (5pts), Flamer (5pts)
        * Sister Superior (17pts)
            Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

+ Fast Attack + (135pts)

    * Dominion Squad (135pts)
        4x Dominion (52pts), 2x Meltagun (20pts), Rhino (35pts)
        * Dominion Superior (28pts)
            Chainsword, Combi-melta (10pts)

Army # 2 - Tau
Ok so these guys just came out with a new a book.  The Tau army was actually my 3rd army that I got into.  I have around 2000 points built and painted but after seeing what new toys they have, I feel like I need to drop some money to bring them up to snuff.  Shadowsun along with a irdim armored commander seem like the way I will be going though I am really excited with the support commander option.  Tooling up a commander with both sensor suites and having him join units and allow the unit to reroll their shots or ignore cover would be just awesome.  Coupling said commander with say a cadre fireblade in a full unitof firewarriors would really make all those strentgh 5 pulse rifles shots super scary.  Of course there is also Farsight whose warlord trait that makes him and his unit not scatter when deepstriking opens up a lot more possibilities as well.  Take a big bodyguard unit armed with fusion blasters and plasma rifles and say bye bye to any armor units on the field.  Throw in a bodyguard with both sensor suite upgrades and you have a really scary unit that ignores cover and re rolls their hits.  And that is just the start of it, the many options that this new book brings is just mindboggling.  In terms of lists, I will put some up during my next posts.  pics are of half painted commander.  Expect more pics of this army up soon..