Sup everybody. Today i am here to talk about the fruition of some of the rumors that were hinted at last year and during the first months of 6th edition and that is the coming of mini dexes. With GW pulling the curtain up on their next project, codex Inquisition the rumors that we would see mini dexes or allies dexes come out seem to have been verified. I have to tell you this is just an exciting time to be playing 40k as this along with the codex supplements opens up a lot of options for us gamers. Will there be codex creep with these new books ? Hopefully not but what I do wish for is new models to be released along side these new books. Take in point the new sisters book. What a golden opportunity GW lost to make more money by the release of new sisters models. This could have been an easy release with just 2 new boxes, say one for 10 sisters and one 5 sister box with all heavy weapon options to make retributor squads, maybe a clamshell HQ model? Im sure the new book is selling but think of how more it would have sold with just a couple of new model releases.... There have been rumors for years now that new plastic sisters have already been worked on so whats the hold up? Which brings me to the inquisition codex. Wow was this a surprise release, nobody in the world saw this coming. Will this be a full army? The codex says you can run it as one but the real strength lies with its ability to ally with any other imperial army or combination. Of course once the book dropped and once everybody got a chance to read it all everybody will be allying in is Coetez or the cheap inquisitor with the 3 servo skulls. Now making it just another ally choice would be fine. The fact that this an additional org slot which then still allows you to ally in another army normally is a little over the top. I am happy though that it specifically says that xenos armies are excluded from being battle brothers as this would have really been insufferable.. lol.. ok so not that bad. What does it really mean really in the overall scheme? Nothing just that armies that resolve around infiltrating or scouting (looking at you White Scars) might feel a little invalidated. Here's hoping that the next digital codex keeps bringing the options... just hope that its not that broken...