Sunday, January 5, 2014

On my painting station..

Hey guys, todays post is going to focus on what I am currently working on as well as more comments on the state of 40K.  I havent been able to post pics in my last 2 posts and so wanted to give you guys an idea on what I have completed and what I am currently working on.  Right now the order of the day is to complete my army list for the Las Vegas open.  In the last couple of weeks I have completed building and painting a maulerfiend, Huron Bleakheart, and a couple of more troops.  I still need to paint up a melta gunner, 2 rhinos, and build 2 40mm objective counters.  In the middle of all this, I have also gone full boat with updating my Tau army.  I received several tau models for Christmas and got to building them right away.  This was the first time I actually modified the crisis suit models by repositioning legs and arms but also magnetized all of their weapons to give me flexibility in their weapon loadouts.  My new commander I also magnetized as I wanted to have the ability to run him with fusion blades and still be able to switch him out and use him with dual missile launchers, plasma rifles, etc.  I plan on focusing on finishing my farsight enclave and as crazy as it sounds finish a drop pod blood angel army. 

Why a Blood Angel army?  Why not? It also doesn't hurt that I have a lot of blood angel models just sitting around.  I have thought about selling them but dont have the heart to as i did spend a lot of time putting them together.  I especially spent a huge amount of time on my death company and 2 furioso dreads with putting them all on custom bases that i made out of broken floor tile and textured resin putty.  I also have 2 Storm ravens just sitting around and 5 drop pods that I have accumulated over the past 3 Christmas.  
Its time to go against the meta and build a terrible army... lol.  Hopefully per the rumors these guys will get a new updated book this year.  

Ok some more thoughts on the state of 40k. The nid book has definitely about as much nerd rage or even more then when the chaos space marine book hit.  
My initial thoughts of the book is that all thoughts on running your old 5th edition list should be thrown out the window.  This book needs and most be played differently then what people are used to.  
Synapse is now an important element of the game and needs to take precedent in your list building unlike before.  Unless your bringing a nid airforce, forget about just going at it with just one flying hive tyrant.  they are too expensive and very easy to kill unless you are running 3- 4 other buddies with him to fly around with.   my thoughts are that walking tyrants with tyrant guard, tyranid primes in big squads of gaunts is what you will be seeing on the tables.   gone will be the 3-4 tervigons, in will be venomthropes and biovores.  i still need to digest the book further before i say the book sucks.  hmmm, i do have a lot of nids laying around maybe now i will give them a shot as we have very little nid players in our group.  let me know your thought guys, are the nids the weakest book in 6th edition or are they the sleeper hit.