Friday, March 2, 2012

40K Campaign - Death Co. test drive..

Sorry for not posting in the last month or so, but real life has gotten in the way, we recently moved to a new house which has taken all of my time. I haven't done anything 40K related be it painting or modeling. A couple of weeks past, the local FLGS manager began a 1750 point 40K campaign in which more then 5 teams will be competing. Each team has a total of 5 per team and any army can be used including Forge world units and army lists. Upon hearing of this I thought that the time had come for me to pull out my newest army, my Death Company Air Cav army. I am taking the following with some changes based on who I will be facing such as switching out one of my chaplains for a librarian for some anti-psychic ability -

1750 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - 1750 pts New Dual leader air strike force

HQ: Astorath the Grim
1 Astorath the Grim

Elite: Chaplain in Power Armour
1 Chaplain in Power Armour

Troops: Death Company (8#)
1 Death Company, 0 pts
1 Death Company,(Thunder Hammer)
6 Death Company
1 Death Company,(Power Weapon)

Troops: Death Company (8#)
1 Death Company, 0 pts
1 Death Company,(Thunder Hammer)
6 Death Company
1 Death Company,(Power Weapon)

Troops: Tactical Squad (10#)
9 Tactical Squad
1 Sergeant

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#)
1 Stormraven Gunship

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#)
1 Stormraven Gunship

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#)
1 Stormraven Gunship

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#)
1 Death Company Dreadnought

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#)
1 Death Company Dreadnought

To say that this army is fun to play is an understatement, I know that if I I have a turn of bad luck, that I will probably lose the game, however with the speed of the storm ravens, I can redeploy quickly and strike any where on the game board. My first game of the campaign was against an imperial guard Death Korp of Kreig army with 6 Leman Russ tanks. To be honest, I thought it was all over even though I got first turn. We rolled table quarter deployment with Kill points. My opponent deployed castled up in the opposite corner with all 6 of his tanks split up into 2 3 tank squadrons. I deployed as close as possible to the center of the board with my tactical squad Storm Raven hanging a little back just to give my opponent another target. Lucky for me he didn't steal the initiative and so I rushed forward with 2 of the Storm Ravens; I still wasn't in range to get the 2 dice for damage as I was about 18 inches out however due to him having his tanks in squadrons even though I managed to roll the lucky 6 to glance with one of my multi-meltas, I rolled a 2 which he could just ignore. My other Storm Raven opened up on a squad of rough riders (These Death Korp riders are freaking sweet models)and I ended up killing all of them which put me in the lead with 1 kill point. His first turn should have been the death of me, he fired all of tanks at both of the storm ravens carrying the death company squads and dreads however due to some hot dice on my part, all he was able to do was stun one raven and shake on. I kept making my 4 ups covers like it was going out of style which just demoralized him. He tried to assault the closest storm raven with his commissar lord and his squad of veterans but due to moving flat out, he needed 6`s to hit and failed to do any damage. Suffice to say that by turn 2, my entire army was in his lines multi-assaulting every thing in my path. By the end of turn 2, i was up by 6 killpoints and my opponent decided to call it as I had managed to kill 4 of his tanks with only losing 4 death company in that turn and pretty much he didn't have any place to go. My next campaign game was against a wolfguard based army led by Grimnar. This game was a lot more challenging as my opponent had a lot of missile launchers and was able to knock out 2 of my storm ravens by turn 2 and had taken off all of the weapons on the 3rd one. His 3 dreads also highlighted a major weakness with my dreads, as they don't have their power fists, if they are assaulted by a rival dread, they will get owned which in fact happened to one of my dreads. This game came down to the wire with me winning the capture and control game by contesting his home objective with my last storm raven. So far the army is a blast to play and I hope to continue to use this army for many games to come, now I have to finish painting it. Lets hope my luck holds up for my future campaign games. Pics are from a GW article that talked about painting the Storm ravens.

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