Saturday, January 24, 2015

The LVO and me

Sup guys.. Well the time has come for the LVO once again.  The LVO last year was my first major tournament and I had a blast.  Not only did it run smoothly but the timing of the events was almost perfect.  The fact that most of my games started at noon meant that I could party the night before and get some time to sleep in.  It also helped that I stayed in the same hotel that the event was run at so I didnt have to huff it to the event from a different hotel carrying my army with me.  For this year I decided that I wanted to do something different.  I wanted to go ahead and try my hand at playing the team tourney but alas I received confirmation from Reece himself that there wasn't going to be one this time around which is a bummer.   In keeping with me wanting to do something different, I decided to sign up for the 40k friendly event.  The 40k friendly is a 2000 point relaxed environment tourney where they are allowing unlimited CADS and unbound armies to allow players to build great themed armies.  Of course all lists need to be vetted ahead of time to keep the armies somewhat balanced and fun for all.  The format sounds pretty interesting if you ask me and plays to the fluff bunny in me that loves creating themed lists.  For this I am thinking of bringing the full might of the dark mechanicum complete with 2 Magos (chaos sorcerers), a warpsmith to do on site repairs, and as many daemon engines as possible.  Since the list format could be unbound, I am thinking of taking one of the hell brute formations as well.  I am still trying to finalize the list but below is something of an idea that I am thinking about. 

+++ New Dark Mech Unbound LVO list v.2 with Imp Knight (1998pts) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Supplement - Crimson Slaughter (2014) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (1323pts) ++

+ No Battle Role (HQ)+

Sorcerer 2x Additional Mastery Level, Daemonheart, Mark of Nurgle, Melta bombs, Palanquin of Nurgle, Sigil of corruption
····Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker
····Power Armour [Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon]
········Sorcerer: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Daemonheart: Description:May not be taken by a Daemon Prince. Daemonheart confers a 2+ Armour Save and the It Will Not Die special rule.

Sorcerer [2x Additional Mastery Level, The Balestar of Mannon]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker
····Power Armour [Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon]
········Sorcerer: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········The Balestar of Mannon: Description:Chaos Sorcerer only. The bearer of the Balestar of Mannon can choose to generate powers from the Divination discipline, and re-rolls failed Psychic tests. However, neither he nor any unit he has joined can benefit from any modifiers to Deny the Witch rolls for the bearer being a Psyker.

Warpsmith [Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation, Power Axe]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Master of Mechanisms, Shatter Defences
········Warpsmith: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:2+

+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack)

Heldrake [Baleflamer]
····Rules: Daemon, Daemonforge, It Will Not Die, Meteroric Descent
········Heldrake: BS:3|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:10|HP:3|Type:Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)
········Daemonic possession: Description:

+ No Battle Role (Heavy Support) +

Forgefiend [Hades Autocannon]
····Rules: Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die
········Forgefiend: WS:3|BS:3|S:6|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:10|I:3|A:2|HP:3|Type:
········Daemonic possession: Description:

Maulerfiend [Lasher tendrils]
····Rules: Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die, Move Through Cover, Siege Crawler
········Maulerfiend: WS:3|BS:3|S:6|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:10|I:3|A:2|HP:3|Type:
········Daemonic possession: Description:

Maulerfiend[Lasher tendrils]
····Rules: Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die, Move Through Cover, Siege Crawler
········Maulerfiend: WS:3|BS:3|S:6|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:10|I:3|A:2|HP:3|Type:
········Daemonic possession: Description:

Obliterators[Mark of Nurgle, 3x Obliterator]
····Rules: Bulky, Daemon, Deep Strike, Obliterator Weapons, Slow and Purposeful
········Obliterator: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:8|Save:2+

++ Imperial Knights: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment)

········Knight Paladin: WS:4|BS:4|S:10|Front:13|Side:12|Rear:12|I:4|A:3|HP:6|Type:Vehicle (Super-heavy Walker)
········Ion Shield: Description:Grants a 4+ Invulnerable Save against all shooting hits from one facing (chosen at the start of the opponent's shooting phase).
········Heavy Stubber: Range:36"|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Heavy 3
········Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon: Range:72"|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Ordnance 2, Large Blast
········Reaper Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:D|AP:2|Type:Melee

+ Formation

Formation: Mayhem Pack
····Rules: It Will Not Die, Mayhem from the Maelstrom, Tormented Terrors
····Helbrute [Multi-melta, Power fist]
········Rules: Crazed
····Helbrute [Multi-melta, Power fist]
········Rules: Crazed
····Helbrute [Multi-melta, Power fist]

Let me know what you guys think.  I'm sure I won't be winning the event but at least I will have a lot of fun which is the spirit of this event.