Sup guys,
Again, true life has gotten in the way of my hobby. Work has been absolutely killing me since mid-November and of course a little game called Fallout 4 was released around the same time. I have had to focus a little bit on my hobby which of course painting is taking center stage. I have little time to get actual games in which worries me as the LVO is rapidly approaching and I need to get some practice in. I have been able to go to the local GW a couple of times as my club has been on holiday from playing 40K lately which has helped. The guys at the GW store are great players and I have seen first hand the power of forgeworld units and unrestricted 40K. For all of those people stating that the new Tau are not 1st tier, sorry to disappoint you but they are. I played several games against them, 1 player using 2 storm surges and 1 player using what I would call a fluffy list but using the Hunter Contingent detachment and both were tough games. The game against the 2 storm surges I tied with my dark mech by not making any big mistakes. The game would have been mine if it wasnt for the 2 storm surges. I had nothing in my list to take those out short of mass assaults with Maulerfiends or long range lascanon shots with my oblits. The game against the Tau Hunter Contingent wasnt even a game, I tried out my Khorne Daemonkin army against it with some minor changes and by the end of the 2nd turn, I was done to 2 units. This list was super surprising as my opponent's list focused on tau firewarrior shooting. I mean the guy only had like 4 suits, 2 crisis suits, 1 riptide (you heard me 1!!!), and a ghost keel. This list I sorely underestimated and it showed with how badly I did. I talked to my opponent after and he shared his thoughts on the list which opened up a lot to how I might change my Tau army going forward.
Again, true life has gotten in the way of my hobby. Work has been absolutely killing me since mid-November and of course a little game called Fallout 4 was released around the same time. I have had to focus a little bit on my hobby which of course painting is taking center stage. I have little time to get actual games in which worries me as the LVO is rapidly approaching and I need to get some practice in. I have been able to go to the local GW a couple of times as my club has been on holiday from playing 40K lately which has helped. The guys at the GW store are great players and I have seen first hand the power of forgeworld units and unrestricted 40K. For all of those people stating that the new Tau are not 1st tier, sorry to disappoint you but they are. I played several games against them, 1 player using 2 storm surges and 1 player using what I would call a fluffy list but using the Hunter Contingent detachment and both were tough games. The game against the 2 storm surges I tied with my dark mech by not making any big mistakes. The game would have been mine if it wasnt for the 2 storm surges. I had nothing in my list to take those out short of mass assaults with Maulerfiends or long range lascanon shots with my oblits. The game against the Tau Hunter Contingent wasnt even a game, I tried out my Khorne Daemonkin army against it with some minor changes and by the end of the 2nd turn, I was done to 2 units. This list was super surprising as my opponent's list focused on tau firewarrior shooting. I mean the guy only had like 4 suits, 2 crisis suits, 1 riptide (you heard me 1!!!), and a ghost keel. This list I sorely underestimated and it showed with how badly I did. I talked to my opponent after and he shared his thoughts on the list which opened up a lot to how I might change my Tau army going forward.
So after all that, lets talk about this post, the preparation for LVO 2016. As stated in an earlier post this year, I have already picked up my tickets for the LVO's narrative game. This event will kickoff with an awesome cocktail hour killteam and will continue with 3 days of narrative gaming. So what am I bringing you might ask, I'm sticking with my dark mechanicus themed chaos space marine army, pretty much keeping the same list that I brought to the last LVO however I am adding in an additional Maulerfiend, a new mechanicus themed Oblit squad, and a new Chaos Knight. During the last LVO, we were allowed come the apocolypse allies and so I took an imperial knight that I put together 2 weeks before the event. The knight pretty much played as his own man as I couldnt cast any support powers on him or interact with him with my other units however he was definitely an allstar, tying me the final game against an eldar army that was really blowing me out of the water. With the changes by the LVO vote to allow forgeworld experimental rules in, chaos knights are now allowed and thus I can finally bring a knight that is actually a lord of war for my army. Once forge world released the Ceratus Knight Atropo, I couldnt resist and pulled the trigger and ordered one as this knight really captures that "Dark Mechanicus" theme that I was looking for. The kit is quite extraordinary, it goes together quite well but there is a lot of "pre-work" that needs to be done in order to get it ready for it to be built. Flash and mold release was all over the pieces, some pieces worse than other but nothing really ridiculous. By taking the time to prepare the model, you shouldnt have any issues with it. Once I got it cleaned and flash free, the model took me about 4 sessions to put together as I decided to also magnetize 3 parts of the model, the 2 gun ports/arms and the torso to make it easier to travel with and offer some more pose-ability. All I need now is to get some primer on it and then the painting process can begin. My dark Mech themed obliterator squad I finished around November and have already seen table action. Basically I ordered a squad of mechcanicum Mirmodons as they would fit the style of army I have and go hand in hand with my Arch Magos. These models were fun to put together the only challenging piece were the bending of their external cables using hot water. The pic above is of my army for this year's event. I am hoping like last year, it will cause some surprises as my list is very heavy in daemon engines.