Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Glory of Chaos...

Ok so its back to work on my Chaos space marines/Space Wolf army. I finished base coating my next squad of 10 and I finished building and priming my first Chaos warhound/Fensrian Wolf squad. To add to all of the painting madness, I got a very flattering request, the local manager at my local FLGS asked if I could paint some of the new plastic bloodcrushers for him and get this, if I do it, I get to keep them after he uses them as a display until they are officially released. I couldn't pass this up especially since I am starting a Daemon's army.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am building a daemons army around bits and models I had lying around over the course of collecting Chaos models for the last 6 years. After trying out the army twice now I must say that the army is a lot of fun to play but having your "destiny" decided on a dice roll could make you or break you depending on if you get your preferred wave. I did get my preferred wave in both of these games which has made both games go in my favor.

Still, its a lot of fun and makes for a different army to use that you don't see that often. The plastic Bloodcrushers look amazing with each model posed in a different way. I would love to add these to my new army; and as I am on a 2 week deadline per the manager to get these done I am putting all other projects on hold. Pics are the Bloodcrushers at about 90% done. Let me know what you think..

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