Monday, April 25, 2011

End of of another era....beginning of a new one... oh and Nightlords..

Well, this weekend marked the end of an era at our local FLGS. The manager of the store just let us know that he will be leaving the store for a better job. While I can't blame him for moving on, without a doubt this manager has been one of the better ones we have had at the local store since my buddy Juan. This manager ran campaigns, tournaments, and was just a cool guy to hang out with. I invited him to join us when he can as it would be real shame if we didnt see him again. With him leaving, our April campaign has been cancelled, we did do a single day tourney however as I only had time for one game and only your best scores were taken I dint have a chance. I did tie my game against a Grey Knights player who used some pretty wicked tricks such as giving his dreadknights the scouting ability with his Grand Master, using the ghost terminators with Mordrak, killing my uber wolf lords with his uber paladins, and using the vindicare assassin to take out my invulnerable saves off of my lords. Seems like a fun codex to play and I have been tempted to try my hands on building a Pre-Heresey Thousand Sons army but for now I am content on finishing my dark wolves and playing with finished armies.

I plan on using my Nightlords again but plan on re-doing some of the paint schemes that I had already done. The Nightlords were my first army and as my skill with the brush has improved, whenever I pull them out, I can see the differences between old models and my new ones. I finally am comfortable with painting lightning bolts on their armor and adding in terror markings so I plan on adding these to my army. I am also just like my dark wolves leaving them as specific type of army. What I mean by that, is that they will be my fast attack army (with my dark wolves being a drop pod hero-hammer army)so the theme will follow that with all aspects of the army being able to move quickly, be it by transport, bike, teleport, or jump pack.

I plan on "revealing" a Nightlords list which will utilize a hammer unit in a landraider made of lightning clawed terminators with an icon of Slaanesh. I will post the list up in my next post along with some tactics that I will use in order to run it. During our last campaign, these guys were just fun to use with my Bikes and my Biker lord. Pics are of my newly completed lightning claw termies; I plan on running them as champs so they all have a base of 4 attacks with 2 power fisted termies to act as back up against tougher opponents. I plan on finishing their "ride" this week... A.D.D., here we go again....

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