Monday, April 11, 2011

A.D.D and 40K

ARRGH, here I go again with trying to start working on another army. As I mentioned in my last post, my local FLGS is planning on running another campaign for April. I plan on joining it but now instead of running my Nightlords or Thousand Sons, I might run the Dark Wolves. Yes, I know, A.D.D. on my part, but after reading some fluff on Skyrar's Dark Wolves on Dakka Dakka as well as finding a pic of them in the Chaos Codex and almost falling out of my chair as the paint scheme I picked for them pretty much matches the pic in the book, I just knew that I wanted to start to use them again.

I also read some fluff pertaining to the Grey Knights in their new codex about them mind-wiping any Space marines that help them out and killing any imperial guard regiments to hide their existance; talk about jerks. In the fluff, they tried to do the same thing to the space wolves who helped on Armageddon and Logan Grimnar told them to F-off. I see my warband as being in the same boat however with Logan Grimnar signing off on them getting mind-wiped as now the Space Wolves are under investigation by the inquisition. My Wolf Lord basically tells the Inquisition to F-off and slaughters the Inquisitorial forces and swears vengeance on Grimnar and the Space Wolves for abandoning him and his company. Of course now with their anger comes the blessings of Khorne which is why I modeled my models with Khrone icons and my wolflords now riding Juggernaunts instead of Thunderwolves. With the predominance of Space Wolves and I'm sure Grey Knights players, I am going to make it my Warbands cause to obliterate these guys as their cause celeb. Attached are some pics of my Dark Wolves, I still need to finish my Long Fangs, a dread, and my rune priest. I have about 5 drop pods as well which I have built and left primed as I dont know for what army I will use them for, be it my Black Templars, the Dark Wolves, or my Nightlords when I want to run them as Blood Angels.

For now, they will go to my dark wolves as I like what they bring to my army. I will post my list in my next update. For now, as I know that the idea of Count As armies has become such a hot issue I would like to pose the question, what do you guys think of count as armies? My opinion, as long as you converted/painted with everything being WYSIWYG, I see no problem with it.

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