Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lure of Chaos...again...

Arrgh, so again the lure of chaos has called me again, again I am building a new chaos army... sorry my Sisters of battle, I am inspired to get another chaos army to the desktop, that and GW pulling the rug out of my idea by killing the ally system. My sisters will still be a focus but due to Games-workshop releasing their codex as a PDF, we came to find out that the ally system that I was going to use (with my Black Templars) is no longer valid. Well that or you can ask your opponent if its ok seems to be the answer which is pretty lame, why not just admit that you can't ally or you can and be done with it. I do own the codex however, I dont want to be in a position where every game with them is going to start with, "uh, are you ok with me using Sisters with my black templars?" As such, I am going to have to build an entire witch-hunters army if I ever want to field them without any questions; that or play some apocalypse. Lucky for me, I picked up 2 of the old imperial guard storm troopers metal box sets at a GW Bizarre Bazaar dirt cheap to use as inquisitorial storm troopers bringing my model count for the sisters to almost 70 models. Now I just need to get some Exorcist tanks and I should have a full army.
For my new Chaos army, I will be using the space wolf codex after playing against it numerous times and wanting to try a different take on it.

I listened to the 11th company's podcast several episodes back when Pat had Goatboy on and the list he described sounded like a lot of fun to play. After taking a look at the codex and finding old models to use, I found that it would take very little for this army to come about and it would seem very chaos like. I bought the Khorne lord on a juggernaut almost 2 years ago when it came out as the model is gorgeous. This will be the basis for my army; a Khorne lord riding a juggernaut to be my count as wolf lord on a thunderwolf mount. For the color scheme I am doing a pre-Hersey scheme,blue trim with the majority of the army in white that I am also washing black to make it appear dark grey and dingy.

I really cant stand to paint normal marines, they are just too plain for me and I love the ornate power armor that Chaos marines have. Attached are pics of my new Chaos army first squad (count as Grey Hunters). Let me know what you think.... I plan on having the next 5 guys in the next squad done by next week.

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